Saturday, September 19, 2009

They're getting Bigger!

I love all the time we get to spend with Charlee and Bailey! What a treat it is on Saturdays to babysit and watch them grow! Last weekend they spent the day at our house and me and Charlee made some Rice Krispie treats:She loves to help in the kitchen and I always try to make something with her when she comes over!

Bailey is growin like a weed! Hard to believe she will be a year old in about 3 weeks! And she will be full blown walkin by then! She is already taking steps! I shot this video today - hope you enjoy!

Nothing much else is going on. The weather is typical for this time of year, although we are very glad we did not get any bad hurricane-type weather.

That's it for now!! Hope all is well with everyone!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

September is Here!!!

See you, in September; See you, when the summer's through..... How many of you remember that song?? It was always my favorite!! Especially since my birthday is in September!! In fact - it was TODAY!!!

It was a fun day! Heather made some of the cutest decorations and her & Alan, Justin & Krista and the girls were here, as well as my friend Elizabeth and her kids, and Libby & Marcia and Bella! it was a great day! We got to enjoy some pool time and we Dave grilled some awesome ribs!! I am so truly blessed!Yes, that's Heather picking her nose!! (being silly of course! lol)

So - Dave has become a Farmer!!! He got one of those Topsy Turvy things and planted some tomatoes!And Charlee got to pick the first 2!!!!

and by the end of the day, poor little Bailey was POOPED!! She fell asleep with Aunt Heather holding and rocking her!! Poor little thing is teething.
I didn't get to post last week, so here's a picture from last week, Dave and I babysitting the girls on Saturday - well, Charlee was playing with a hot wheel at the playground so we got her a few Hot Wheel cars to play with - she is such the girlie girl, but loves playing with these cars!We got to spend some time at the pool with them last week also - so I'll end this post with our 2 little mermaids!!! We are so blessed and we just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being grandparents!!!