Monday, December 28, 2009

It was a Fantabulous Christmas!

So, how was your Christmas?? Ours was super! It was such a blessing to be all together and enjoying each other's company and sharing the holiday spirit!

The Christmas season started with Charlee in the church kid's program - she was a beautiful Angel!!
It was a very special evening!!

I FINALLY MADE A GINGERBREAD HOUSE!!! My very first one ever! I made from scratch - cut out my own house pieces and everything! I'm pretty proud of it! can't wait to make another one next year! Don't laugh!! It's my first time!
Christmas Eve, myself, Heather, Justin & Krista and the girls attended Christmas Eve service at our church - Church of Hope in Sarasota! It was a beautiful service! This picture is in front of one of the HUGE lit trees in the sanctuary!
And this picture - it is the first time in many, many years that Heather & Justin attended a christmas eve service together - what a special night!Now, of course when we got home from church, Mrs. Santa had come to visit - she left 1 present for everyone - which of course was new PJs!And the girls relaxed in their new PJs and colored together on the floor - is this too cute or what - Bailey only 14 months old and she like to sit and color with her big Sister!! Charlee is such a good Big Sister!Bailey was cuddlin with the "Abominable" from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer! Isn't she just too cute for words?!!Christmas morning and the Tree is ready!Here are a few fun Christmas morning pictures!

And after all is said and done - Krista takes a nap - which she can never resist on my couch! lol
We went to Heather & Alan's for dinner and just relaxed - there was no stress - it was a totally Blessed Day!

Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas is On It's Way!

Wow, can you believe it is December/Christmas time already? How fast the year has flown! I love this time of year! We started the month of December off with 2 Birthdays - Dave's (12/5) and Charlee (12/7)! We went out to dinner at Mi Pueblo's to kinda celebrate their birthdays - it was fun!! Charlee turned 5 years old! Wow - how time flies! She was so excited to get a new bike - she had totally outgrown her old one! Her Hannah Montana birthday party is tomorrow - and Momma and Daddy got her a bounce house for her and all her friends to have fun in!! It should be a good time!

This is a very crafty season for me - lots of projects to work on and I'm finishing up my Christmas cards to get sent out! I'm even in the process of making a Gingerbread House - from scratch! I've always wanted to do that! I should have it done by Wednesday - I'll post a picture here after I finish it!

Of course, the best part of Christmas is the little ones! We were so thrilled last night to attend a Dinner/Show at church with the show being the Children's Christmas show - which Charlee was part of!She said that she was "the most beautifulist Angel!" And Yes she was! She was part of the nativity scene and they were singing Happy Birthday Jesus!
That's all I have for right now. Here's one last picture of Bailey at the church dinner totally enjoying her dinner roll! This little one loves to eat!

Well, don't know why this is underlining and can't figure out how to turn it off. I'm going to sign off for now! I will do updates as we do our Christmas thing in the upcoming 12 days!!

Thinking of you all this Holiday Season!

With Love!