Monday, December 28, 2009

It was a Fantabulous Christmas!

So, how was your Christmas?? Ours was super! It was such a blessing to be all together and enjoying each other's company and sharing the holiday spirit!

The Christmas season started with Charlee in the church kid's program - she was a beautiful Angel!!
It was a very special evening!!

I FINALLY MADE A GINGERBREAD HOUSE!!! My very first one ever! I made from scratch - cut out my own house pieces and everything! I'm pretty proud of it! can't wait to make another one next year! Don't laugh!! It's my first time!
Christmas Eve, myself, Heather, Justin & Krista and the girls attended Christmas Eve service at our church - Church of Hope in Sarasota! It was a beautiful service! This picture is in front of one of the HUGE lit trees in the sanctuary!
And this picture - it is the first time in many, many years that Heather & Justin attended a christmas eve service together - what a special night!Now, of course when we got home from church, Mrs. Santa had come to visit - she left 1 present for everyone - which of course was new PJs!And the girls relaxed in their new PJs and colored together on the floor - is this too cute or what - Bailey only 14 months old and she like to sit and color with her big Sister!! Charlee is such a good Big Sister!Bailey was cuddlin with the "Abominable" from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer! Isn't she just too cute for words?!!Christmas morning and the Tree is ready!Here are a few fun Christmas morning pictures!

And after all is said and done - Krista takes a nap - which she can never resist on my couch! lol
We went to Heather & Alan's for dinner and just relaxed - there was no stress - it was a totally Blessed Day!

Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas is On It's Way!

Wow, can you believe it is December/Christmas time already? How fast the year has flown! I love this time of year! We started the month of December off with 2 Birthdays - Dave's (12/5) and Charlee (12/7)! We went out to dinner at Mi Pueblo's to kinda celebrate their birthdays - it was fun!! Charlee turned 5 years old! Wow - how time flies! She was so excited to get a new bike - she had totally outgrown her old one! Her Hannah Montana birthday party is tomorrow - and Momma and Daddy got her a bounce house for her and all her friends to have fun in!! It should be a good time!

This is a very crafty season for me - lots of projects to work on and I'm finishing up my Christmas cards to get sent out! I'm even in the process of making a Gingerbread House - from scratch! I've always wanted to do that! I should have it done by Wednesday - I'll post a picture here after I finish it!

Of course, the best part of Christmas is the little ones! We were so thrilled last night to attend a Dinner/Show at church with the show being the Children's Christmas show - which Charlee was part of!She said that she was "the most beautifulist Angel!" And Yes she was! She was part of the nativity scene and they were singing Happy Birthday Jesus!
That's all I have for right now. Here's one last picture of Bailey at the church dinner totally enjoying her dinner roll! This little one loves to eat!

Well, don't know why this is underlining and can't figure out how to turn it off. I'm going to sign off for now! I will do updates as we do our Christmas thing in the upcoming 12 days!!

Thinking of you all this Holiday Season!

With Love!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 09!

Hello Everyone! So sorry I have been neglecting my blog! I am so much into FaceBook these days that I forget about the blog! It's just the same old, same old here!! Everyone is doing the same! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We were all here together and the food was all good! We are so blessed!

Charlee spent the night with us the night before and she helped me make Apple Pie!! She's a great pie crust pincher! Special Times! Here's a video of her helpin me!!

It is so fun being Mimi (grandma!)! I am totally enjoying passing traditions on like this to Charlee! Loves when she comes to our place and her and I bake and do stuff like that! How precious she is! She is in our church Christmas show - she's an Angel and she is singing with the little choir - Happy Birthday Jesus! And she sings it to practice while at our house! We are so blessed!

I can't tell you how blessed I feel having everyone here and around the table giving Thanks on Thanksgiving! Bailey was totally into it! This little one loves to eat!! She loved anything we gave here! So glad she is not a picky eater!Hello From Heather & Alan!!! They didn't each as much as usual - they cooked their turkey and stuff in the morning and actually ate a few hours before they came to our place - brats! lol They had a good time!
It was a great day!! Heather & Alan and Justin & Krista made their own turkeys and stuffing, so we got to keep all the left overs this year! We'll be eatin turkey for a week for sure! lol

The weekend before Thanksgiving we all met up at Venice Beach and did some family pictures with a photography friend of mine! We had such a good time - here are a few pictures:

Of course we had to incorporate a little Christmas into our shoot:

The guys got into it too - with no moanin and groanin! It was so super duper fun - as Charlee would say - everything is Super Duper now! lol

What an absolutely fun day we had!!! There are a ton more pictures! If you'd like to see more, you can go to my Web Album - just click here:


Well, I'm wishin I was home right now. Miss seeing family. Tonight is also my 30th Class Reunion - yes, I said 30th!! Hard to believe. Sure would have like to have attended, but the cost to travel on a holiday weekend was just too much!

I'll try to do better with my updates! Dave's 50th birthday is next weekend - I'll make sure I post pictures from our little gathering at Heather and Alan's!

Love you all!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Little Angel Updates - Bailey's First Birthday!

wow - time sure does fly! I didn't realize it has been almost a month since I posted. Things have been a little crazy - I was laid off - again - but quickly moved into a new position where I finally feel very secure - Praise God! Plus, I have been working with my Stampin' Up business, making cards, working on scrapbooks, etc.

In the midst of craziness, we have two little blessings whom we adore! Charlee and Bailey!! Charlee is growing and beautiful and so smart! She is in VPK where they also do performing arts such as dance, singing, theater - and she loves it! This picture was taken at the Myakka State Park where we took her for just some nature time!

And if you can see a pattern here, she loves helping Mimi in the kitchen!!

And she loves to do crafts! We are always doing something when she comes to visit! Here she is making a birthday card for Bailey! It's just amazing how quick they grow! She has such an expanded vocabulary and remembers EVERYTHING and even more special - she has Jesus in her heart! Loves to sing songs she learns at church and talks about Jesus quite often and says she loves him! How precious!

And Bailey - geez - where does the time go?!! Hard to believe she is a year old already! And she is a hoot - we learned at dinner at our place last week that she loves chicken drumsticks! She had this drumstick and carried it around and gnawed on it now and then! she was funny!

And so, our Lil' Lady Bug is 1 Year Old!

Like her sister, she is so beautiful!! And what a personality! She is such a redhead ! lol

It was a fun day for her party - although Bailey was a little under the weather, but she had fun opening presents with Momma!

And her most favorite present was a "drum" from Daddy - oh yea, Daddy is proud!

And what would a 1-year-old birthday be with getting her very own Blackberry! hahaha - she's texting already (with Grandpa Matt's Blackberry!).
She wasn't too much into the cake thing - but we all sang Happy Birthday and Big Sister Charlee helped her blow out the candle!
And she definitely was not into the smash cake - Aunt Riley smashed her hand in it and she was not happy! Momma gave her a lollipop and she licked it with icing.

Hope you enjoyed the update! We are so blessed!

Love you all!

Cheryl Ann

Saturday, September 19, 2009

They're getting Bigger!

I love all the time we get to spend with Charlee and Bailey! What a treat it is on Saturdays to babysit and watch them grow! Last weekend they spent the day at our house and me and Charlee made some Rice Krispie treats:She loves to help in the kitchen and I always try to make something with her when she comes over!

Bailey is growin like a weed! Hard to believe she will be a year old in about 3 weeks! And she will be full blown walkin by then! She is already taking steps! I shot this video today - hope you enjoy!

Nothing much else is going on. The weather is typical for this time of year, although we are very glad we did not get any bad hurricane-type weather.

That's it for now!! Hope all is well with everyone!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

September is Here!!!

See you, in September; See you, when the summer's through..... How many of you remember that song?? It was always my favorite!! Especially since my birthday is in September!! In fact - it was TODAY!!!

It was a fun day! Heather made some of the cutest decorations and her & Alan, Justin & Krista and the girls were here, as well as my friend Elizabeth and her kids, and Libby & Marcia and Bella! it was a great day! We got to enjoy some pool time and we Dave grilled some awesome ribs!! I am so truly blessed!Yes, that's Heather picking her nose!! (being silly of course! lol)

So - Dave has become a Farmer!!! He got one of those Topsy Turvy things and planted some tomatoes!And Charlee got to pick the first 2!!!!

and by the end of the day, poor little Bailey was POOPED!! She fell asleep with Aunt Heather holding and rocking her!! Poor little thing is teething.
I didn't get to post last week, so here's a picture from last week, Dave and I babysitting the girls on Saturday - well, Charlee was playing with a hot wheel at the playground so we got her a few Hot Wheel cars to play with - she is such the girlie girl, but loves playing with these cars!We got to spend some time at the pool with them last week also - so I'll end this post with our 2 little mermaids!!! We are so blessed and we just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being grandparents!!!