Friday, August 21, 2009

Long Overdue Update!

Time goes by so fast and I just have not had the time to blog lately! Nothing out of the ordinary going on. I did realize I haven't taken many pictures, so will make it a point to get a few pictures of everyone and more pictures of Charlee and Bailey to share!

Bailey is growing fast!! She has 1 tooth and looks like another one coming in, she is clapping "YAY" and standing on her own - not quite taking a step yet, though!

We did get a little video of her last week:

Charlee is quite the little lady! She is definitely a girlie girl!! When we are at their house she loves dress up and she still loves playing with her doll house at our house.

She starts school next week - Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten, which is a free preschool provided by the state of Florida to give kids a head start to school! She is very excited as Justin & Krista got her into a "magnate" VPK where she will also learn performing arts - dancing, music, etc. She is very excited as she wants to do ballet - in fact at the orientation session she got to do a dance class and was DEVASTATED that they did not do ballet! She had her first sleepover last weekend with her friend, Hayley - they had so much fun and she was so excited!! She is growing too fast and she is such a sweet soul and we just love her to pieces!

Some very exciting news - Justin & Krista were water baptized this past Wednesday!!! We all attend together church at the Church of Hope in Sarasota - right across the road from Justin & Krista's complex - and the Lord truly has come into their hearts and they shared it with the world on Wednesday. I was so filled with Joy!!! The picture below is the pastor's wife blessing them and telling them what awesome parents they are bringing their little ones to church to get to know God!

You can see their videos of their baptism on my YouTube site -

Krista is very close to graduating school - YAY!!! I believe she'll be done the end of September/beginning of October. She does very well and I know she will do very well when she starts her career!

Nothing new with Heather & Alan - Alan is laid off right now, but we have faith that a good job will cross his path soon. They spend a lot of time together at the beach and at the state park - I need to get pictures - shame on me, bad Mom!!

One thing I got to do - I got to go to Salt Lake City, Utah for a stamping convention - it was SO - MUCH - FUN! I have to tell you - this is definitely God's country! I got to see the Grand Canyon as I flew into SLC:

And every street I walked down in SLC, I could see the mountains - it was absolutely breathtaking!

And a very exciting memory for me was to meet the inspiration and co-owner of Stampin' Up - Shelli Gardner - what a very sweet woman and quite an inspiration as she shared many creative ideas for stamping/cardmaking and Scrapboking!

Well, that's it for now - I will try to do better bloggin and sharin pictures!

Love you all!!

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