Saturday, August 21, 2010

Summer Goes Fast!

Geez - where has the time gone?  So hard to believe it is the middle of August already!  And August in FL means School Starts!  And this year, Charlee starts kindergarten!!!  WOW - can you believe it?!!!  Justin & Krista were able to get her into a private Christian school under scholarships - what a blessing - and she started on Monday.  The night before we celebrated and she wanted to make strawberry cupcakes and decorate them - so here are her creations!  She told us all that she did not want Mommy and Daddy walking her into school because she's a big girl now! lol 
Here is her picture from her Second day of school - they were with us - which I will explain later - so we got to see her off and she was excited!  Yesterday (Friday) her teacher sent a progress report and said she puts letters together to form words in her journal, which is advanced for kindergarten she says!  We have a budding scholar here! 

 FIRE - Before I go any further - I do want to let you all know that Justin & Krista had a fire in their apt. on Tuesday.  Luckily, Charlee was at school, Justin at work, and Krista and Bailey were at the library.  Apparently it was something wrong with the hot water heater.  They have smoke damage, water damage, not sure exactly right now what else - the complex cleaned the carpet, they also replaced the hot water heater - but giving them a very hard time in other ways.  They have stayed with us all this week and went home today as they said it was ready - I think they were tired of being here!  haha I don't blame them!  We only have a 2 bedroom townhouse, so we were all spread out on the bed, air mattress, couch, wherever!

These kids just cannot catch a break and are really struggling, but their faith is keeping them strong.  They know God's faithfulness and know that He will provide.  Their faith grows stronger, so of course other forces are trying to pull them in another direction.  I am so proud of them - they are very involved with the Youth ministry at our church and very well loved and blessing many kids with their love for God and their life experiences.

Of course I could not post without putting pictures of our Little LadyBug - Bailey!  Boy - what a redhead she is!  Quite a little joy and so funny - but STUBBORN - Lordy - and definitely has the redhead temper!  lol  She definitely keeps everyone on their toes!

She loves when Pap gives her horsey rides:  (she calls him "Hap")

 And Charlee makes a good horsey too!
Justin and Krista read to her all the time and she takes a book to bed with her every night!  They are good Mommy and Daddy!

And what a blessing these little ones are!  We always look forward to spending time with them!  We took them to Sarasota Jungle Gardens not long ago and took a picture with them!
So that's the latest update from here!!  Hope all is well with everyone reading this!  I will try to be more diligent with the updates!

With Love!

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